Three simple steps. (You can also PRINT AND MAIL this PDF form if you prefer.)
1. Purchase the Entry using the Pay Now button below. (You do not need to have a Paypal account to use this service.) Your purchase will be acknowledged by Paypal with a receipt.
2. Copy the receipt number (Transaction ID), then open and enter it in the Entry form. (If your browser does not support fillable forms, use the Word document.)
3. Email the completed Entry form to, with the entry or link as needed. (Note that the applicable Rules and Regulations are below.)
Watch for our confirmation that your entry was received in readable shape, and wait to hear the Good News from our judges!
After this deadline entry costs increase:
By February 28: all entries $10 eachBy April 17: all entries $15 each; 10 or more $12 each; 100 or more $10 each
Late entry deadline May 11: single entries $25; 10 or more $15 each
* Group price only valid with group code. (Such as that for Honorable mention awards from Sweetwater.)
Pre-purchased entries accepted up to late deadline with $5 surcharge.
This competition is open to any student through grade 12. Those under 18 must get signed permission to participate by a parent or legal guardian (see below). Entering the competition constitutes permission to use the submitters’ names and likenesses for publicity and promotions with no additional compensation. We reserve the right to publicize and promote any and all progress, development and success that the submitter has in the years to come. Additionally, entering the competition constitutes permission for Digital Media Arts Showcase (DiMA) to post all or a portion of your submission online exclusively in association with the competition. No other commercial use is agreed.
- Linear submissions (audio, video) may have a running time of as little as 15 seconds and as long as 120 minutes.
- Student artists under 18 must show permission is granted by a parent or legal guardian for minors (see Entry form).
- Multiple entries from the same student artist are accepted but each must have its own Entry Form and Fee.
- Do not include any additional separate materials with your submissions such as photos, press kits, or any other written materials. They will not be returned
- Entry consists of:
- Completed ENTRY FORM.
- The appropriate entry fee.
- Completed project, or link thereto.
- For Minors, return the PARENTAL CONSENT information with the Entry form. Signed PARENTAL CONSENT FORMS may also be emailed (scan or photo) to:
Or mailed to:
Digital Media Arts Showcase
1250 Weaver St
San Diego, CA 92114